Hair Specialist Doctor in Vadodara
Related Treatments of Hair Specialist
Dr. Megha Vyas is the head cosmetic surgeon at Esthetica Hospital. Consult Dr. Megha Vyas to understand better Hymenoplasty in Vadodara, India.
The hair transplant performed by the team of Dr. Megha are highly sought after for his extensive experience as a cosmetic surgeon specializing in life-changing cosmetic and functional surgeries for women.
It’s ahighlysought afternon-surgicalprocessfor stimulatinghairprogresson the scalp.
Hair Transplant
A hair transplant is aprocessthatincludestransferring hair from theagainof the scalp whichis calledthe donorspace, to anspacethe placethe hair is thinning orisn’tcurrent.
Mesotherapy is atherapyfor curing baldness by reversing hair loss.The answerinjectedaccommodatesa varietyof minerals,nutritional vitamins, amino acids, nucleic acids, and co-enzymes.